Dimming socket-plug

The dimmed socket is used to control light sources that are connected.
EAN: 8595188145947 (French) | Code: 4594 (French)


  • The dimmed socket is used to control light sources that are connected by power cord - especially lamps:
    R – classic lamps (resistive load)
    L – halogen lamps with wound transformer (inductive load)
    C – halogen lamps with electronic transformer (capacity load)
    ESL – dimmable energy-effi cient fl uorescent lamps
    LED – LED light sources equipped with LED.
  • Multi-function 6 light functions - smooth increase or decrease with time setting 2 s - 30 min.
  • Thanks to setting the min. brightness by potentiometer, you will eliminate flashing of the LED and ESL light sources.
  • The universal dimmer may be controlled by up to 32 channels.
  • The programming button on the socket is also used for manual control of the output.
  • Memory status can be pre-set in the event of a power failure.
  • Range up to 160 m (in open space), if the signal is insuffi cient between the controller and unit, use the signal repeater RFRP-20 or protocol component RFIO2 that support this feature.
  • Communication frequency with bidirectional protocol RFIO

Produced in 3 designs of sockets and plugs:

  a)  French (CZ, SK, PL, FR)
  b)  Schuko (HU, DE, RU, AT, RO, ES)
  c)  British (GB)


  • Type of load: R - L - C - LED - ESL max. 300 W/150 W
  • Supply voltage (frequency): AC 230 V (50/60 Hz) or AC 120 V (60 Hz)
  • Design: socket-plug
  • Dimensions: 60 x 120 x 80 mm
  • Protocol: RFIO


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