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Forests, meadows, pastures

Forests, meadows, pastures

Extensive meadows, pastures and forest stand full of trees, wildlife, and often the field or forest nurseries, place tremendous demands and require the proper care. Watching hundreds of hectares and taking care of everything that's happening to them is a superhuman task. Not in the 21st century in the world of smart technology. Forests, meadows and pastures can be guarded, protected, and cared for by iNELS Air detectors. Fires, movement of people and animals, air quality, and the theft of hay, logs or technical equipment. All this and much more can be monitored by a combination of remote access detectors.

In the pastures and paddocks, it saves the time and work, with automatic water replenishment or the remote opening of a gate or door. An break in the fence is detected immediately, not by an on-the-spot check. A locator pinned to halters or collars will help to trap the stolen or escaped animals. The driveways and commodities themselves can be watched through the camera system, motion detectors and gyro sensors. In case of any unusual situation, a signal is sent, which informs the owner directly via mobile phone through the ELKO Cloud. For example, if we calculate the cost of a gyroscope sensor against the price of a stolen log, the investment definitely pays off 

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