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Future Office

Future Office
  • Secured access
  • RTLS 
  • Controlling

Future Smart Offices as the modern office of tomorrow, it offers its users many options for improving the quality of the time spent at work. At the same time, they increase the safety of both the property and employees. You can monitor air quality, set heating, lighting, and shading to meet the current requirements or track occupancy of meeting rooms in real time.

Everything starts in the car park, where the building entrance control system through tag management identifies employees, lifts the gate and opens the door of the building. At the same time, it will set the employee's area according to its pre-set preferred values. The building entrance control system is key to securing people and property. By installing RFID card readers, only authorized persons can enter all zones. In addition, the readers are linked to performing pre-set scenes at each worker's workplace.

Interior lighting automatically adapts to the intensity of outdoor lighting, depending on the presence of people, recognizes individual people and their preferences.

Similarly, heating regulation depends on the presence of people in the space and on pre-set scenarios. For example, at weekends and holidays, you do not have to heat as much as on working days.

Sharing and controlling common areas, meeting or conference rooms is also easy and efficient. With the help of online shared calendars, each employee has an overview of occupancy, can plan their meetings more effectively, can pre-set scenes for individual types of meetings (meetings, videoconferences, presentations, etc.).

Real Time Location System (RTLS) is very good for improving security and monitoring of unauthorized persons. Real-time readers and checkpoints monitor people's movement in the work area, helping to eliminating the possibility of burglary and consequent damage to property.

With air quality detectors, the system continuously monitors and helps with the creation of a healthy environment for employees. It evaluates the amount of CO2, temperature, humidity, number of people in the room. This helps to improve concentration, thinking or coping with crisis situations.

The smart office of tomorrow brings healthy, economical and efficient workspaces.

iNELS Future Office - smart solutions for smart employers


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