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Hotel - retrofit

Hotel - retrofit
  • Modernization
  • Easy reconstruction
  • Wireless solution

Thanks to our wireless electronic installations, transforming the old hotel rooms into an oasis of smart control is no problem. With wireless solution you are able to carry out the reconstruction incredibly quickly and cleanly - no cutting or excavation of walls, no tedious repairs.

Controllers can be attached anywhere and require no cables at all. The actuators are installed directly into the cabinet or in to the luminaire. The advantage (cost and installation) is that the LED bulb is directly dimmable, i.e. just place it in the main light or lamp. Wireless motion detectors and window openers further extend the possibilities of the entire system.

iNELS Wireless Retrofit offers the automatic control of lighting, which is controlled by a combination of sensors (motion/door) and a switching component. Operation is fully automatic or via a wireless controller, which is beyond the basic functions (ON/OFF). Additionally MASTER OFF function enables turn off all the lights. You can control not only the main room lighting, but also a lamp in the corner of the room, curtains/blinds or can disable all/some of the socket circuits. This combination of detector and the switching component provides hoteliers savings in lighting costs and customers ease of use.






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