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Public lighting

Public lighting
  • Safety
    Immediate emergency response, rescue alerts, street crime reduction using a sophisticated camera system.
  • Efficiency = savings
    The lamps respond to the amount of daylight and the current traffic density, which adjusts to the intensity of the light.
  • Versatility
    Pylons can be used for many other features - weather stations, security buttons, air quality detectors, or Wi-Fi transmitters.

Smart street lamps can regulate the brightness and dimming depending on the time of day and ambient conditions which together with the use of LED light sources significantly contribute to energy saving and protect the environment. 

The lamps communicate quickly and easily with the central control in the event of a fault; moreover they can be effectively controlled remotely.

They can incidentally perform additional range of functions  - we can connect weather stations, emergency buttons, various sensors or Wi-Fi signals to the public lighting pylons - thus helping to increase comfort, awareness and, above all, safety in the streets of a smart city.



Replacement of old light sources (high pressure sodium) after LED lights 
called „Corn“. This solution is very simple and inexpensive but has one 
major drawback. Troublesome cooling reduces significantly the life and
luminous efficacy of the LED light.


LED light source retrofit

Replacement of a part of the luminaire with new ones (e.g. high pressure 
sodium lamps). Again a relatively easy solution. The question remains, 
however, whether there is a suitable and especially high-quality retrofit 
for you. Here, too, we encounter troublesome cooling problems.

Replacement lighting fixture

Replace old lights fixtures with new ones. Complete replacement of the 
luminaires brings higher costs, but it will certainly pay off, ideally combining
the replacement of luminaires with the installation of smart drivers.

Smart Street Lamp

Complete replacement of public lighting including masts, wiring and lights. 
We recommend this option for installations older than 30 years. With new 
luminaires it is always wise to add smart control. We supply our modules 
directly in the luminaires or as an external device.


Smart poles

In the case of modernization of very old public lighting poles, we strongly recommend replacing them with brand new clever ones. Our poles are perfectly modular, so it is possible to fit them only with selected elements. In the future, it is possible to extend the features at any time by other selected modules.



We know that the issue of public lighting is extensive and includes the possibility of getting subsidies, so do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to explain everything to you in detail. We will also prepare for you non-binding proposals with calculations and approximate return on investment.

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